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3D Films... Are They Really Worth The Money??

On my latest trip to the cinema i went to see the fantastic Alice In Wonderland in 3D. It was a brilliant experience.
There wasn’t as much 3D as i had expected but nevertheless i felt like i could reach out and touch the leaves that were falling from the trees and the flying rocking horses... yes i said it.

But there was a small matter of the cost. For 2 people to watch this film it cost £21.50 for one screening, i had the small luxury of student discount, however which brought it down to £19 but then i got swindled into buying a loyalty card which brought the price back up as that cost me £1.99.

So we got given our 3D glasses (of which you are supposed to recycle at the end... hmm yeah right) and went to the food counter, i could only pay by card if it was over £4.50, so for nachos and a drink it cost me £6.50.

Around £28 altogether and i had been in the place 10 minutes.

Granted i hadnt gone on orange wednesdays but is the 3D experience really worth it??
Whilst sat watching the trailers i must admit i was taken aback by the whole novelty of 3D (This was my first 3D screening) and i was amazed at how these glasses could show someone such a thing.

 But i could buy the DVD for almost half the price when it comes out.
It is plain and clear that pretty soon all films are going to be in 3D but even after watching that brilliant film im not sure if it is worth the price... i enjoyed the film mainly because of the great characters and comedy they brought individually.

Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter were absolutley superb.
Tim Burton's idea of wonderland was also spectacular, but if i had gone and seen it in 2D it would have been the same characters and the same view of wonderland.

Dont get me wrong if there is a film out there in 3D that i want to see i would love to go and see it but especially for students like myself i wonder how long the prices are going to remain like this before the big wigs realise that this is too expensive for alot of people.

I could go on a night out for £28 including the taxi home...

1 comment:

  1. I've only watched the one film in 3D (Monsters Vs Aliens) but I've got to be honest, there's hardly a difference when you watch it on DVD.

    Personally I think it is a bit too expensive but I think it depends on the film really.
